Welcome Skywest Flight Attendants and thank you for supporting AFA!
When you join AFA you join hands with nearly 50,000 Flight Attendants from 17 airlines throughout our industry. In our union, we work together, amplifying our voices to lift the standards for all Flight Attendants. AFA is recognized as the voice for Flight Attendants on Capitol Hill and in the media all over the world. We have a 70 year history of improving the quality of life for Flight Attendants and our contracts lead the industry. Our union understands better than any other how to negotiate Flight Attendant contracts, enforce them on a daily basis and provide Flight Attendants with the kind of support we need daily in our unique workplace. Our union is responsive to Flight Attendant needs and we will champion your issues.
With AFA you’ll pay no dues until you negotiate and ratify your first contract. Being a part of our AFA family means you have a voice in your workplace. No one knows our job better than we do; that’s why we believe in uniting all Flight Attendants. We are a proud union of Flight Attendants, by Flight Attendants and for Flight Attendants. Every elected position within our union is held by Flight Attendants.
With your help and support we will continue advancing the Flight Attendant profession together. On behalf of the 50,000 Flight Attendant members who stand with you in AFA, we encourage you to make the most of our union and sign an AFA authorization card. Let’s work together to generate power for the Skywest Flight Attendants. Our solidarity will lead will lead to our future success.